Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing


What is EDMR?


EMDR involves talking and bilateral stimulation, typically eye movements. The aim is to reduce distress and negative beliefs associated with past overwhelming or traumatic experiences that are having a significant impact on our mental health. Memories could be from childhood experiences or more recent events.

Our sessions will firstly involve us talking through the problems you are having and whether these may be related to past memories. We will explore how these memories affect you in the here and now - for example, your beliefs, your view of yourself, your emotions and physical symptoms. Processing usually using eye movements will be done when you feel ready and confident to face to memory. During processing, you remain in control at all times. It is not a form of hypnosis and you can stop it at any time. You can see more about EMDR in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIJZQAr9nQo

For some clients, past memories carry a heavy sense of shame and this makes it very difficult to talk about them. In our sessions I will aim to help you feel at ease so that you can share whatever you feel able to. However, rest assured that EMDR is also effective without you having to share lots of details from the memories themselves. The main cause of change is that you access the memory yourself in your own mind during processing.

Some problems I have worked with using EMDR include

  • A client who had experienced a stroke and was having post traumatic stress as a result

  • A client who had developed flashbacks and anxiety following a traumatic birth

  • A client who had been bereaved as a child by the death of their father and had not been able to deal with that loss at the time 

  • A client who had been in a domestically abusive relationship


Will EMDR fix my problem?


EMDR is a very effective therapy, but it is not suitable for everyone, or for every problem. I will always do an initial consultation with you to discuss what you are wanting support with and whether EMDR could be helpful. This also allows you to speak to me and see if you feel that I am a good match for you. Finding a therapist who you feel comfortable with is a very important part of your therapy journey.